Pricelist – Alat Ternak

Berikut ini adalah pricelist/daftar harga alat-alat ternak yang tersedia di DuniaHewan-Online:

1. Tabel A

Nama Produk Type Spesifikasi Kuantitas Kemasan Harga
(Termasuk PPN)
Veterinary Hidraulic Operating Table (SS) Blessmed –        Material : Stainless Steel Rp. 40.000.000,-
KSS-3008 –        Max & Min height for table top : 104 cm 80 cm
–        Max degree for table top forward % Backward : Forward > 250, Backward > 250
–        Max degree for tabletop Left & Right : Left > 180, Right : 180
–        Lenght & widht for tabletop : 210 cm x 48 cm
–        Max waist rest up to : 120 cm
–        Leg resr down adjusted : >900
Stetoskop Made in Taiwan Yahai Medical –        Design : Dimensions 135 x 63 x 30 mm Weight 80 grams, Bluetooth Technology Rp. 12.000.000,-
–        Battery : Battery’s side allows up to 6 hours of interrupted work rapid charge system of 2 hours
–        Bell : Material Stainless steel, anti cold treatment latex not included
–        APP Requirement : Andoid from the version 2.2
Ios 5.1 o higher compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
–         Smartphone Requirement : Audio input jack with microphone, standart CTIA
–         Speakers Requirement Minimum power 20 W Frequency response 50 Hz – 20 KHz
–         Recomended : Bass Control, Power 100 W. Frequency response 20 Hz – 20 KHz
Microchip – Animal ID FDX-B Plastik/Pcs Rp. 150.000,-
ISO 11784/11785 FDX-B
Tag : 02.12x12mm
Scan Reader Universal Scan for Microchip type Unit Rp. 4.500.000,-
Animal Ventilation Vetenary RWD409 Used for animals within 100KG Two belows, 0 – 300ml and 300 – 1500ml Volume : 5 turn coarse matering valve 9 turn fine matering valve 1 Unit Rp. 62.500.000,-
Wentilator MWPL from 10 – 60 cm H2O Both LED and sound alarm One key “Hold” Alarm I.E Ration : 1:1.5:4, real time adjustable Respiratory rates : 6 – 40BPM
Made in China Inc 2 Bellows
Vet Anasthesia Machine R620IP Flowmeter : Support gas supply O2 and N2O standart O2 Flow meter, 0,1 -4LPM, Option  N2O flow meter, 0,1 -4LPM 1 Unit Rp. 55.000.000,-
Vaporizer : Self Development of RWD, Colled pipeline design inside, Built-in temperature compensator, internal capasity>160ml, adjustable range : 0,2% – 5% (Isoflurance) Whole Set
Oxygen Flush : Self-returning prees button
Gas Filter Canister : Top quality activated carbon, absorption capacity>220g, Disposible
POCKIT Xpress Carry-on Case 1 Unit, Pipettes(50 ul&1000ul) 2 unit, Cubee Mini-Centrifuge 1 Unit, POCKIT Analyzer Device 8 wheel 1 Unit Harga USD 10.000,00
Reagen PetNADTM Nucleic Acid Co-Prep (Digunakan untuk ekstraksi DNA/RNA)
IiPCR Reagent pe penyakit (Daftar Harga Terlampir)
SG-10HCU Black & White (SOGATA) –         SG-10unit Rp. 55.000.000,-
–         12” LED 300 Rotatable
–         3 USB Port/VGA Port/S-Video
–         Standart Software include:
–         Imaging modes: B/2B/4B/M/B+M
–         Multiple Beam forming
–         Standart Configured Probes:
–         Micro-Convex array, 3.0MHz

2. Tabel B : Alat Peternakan Ayam

Kode Barang Nama Produk Sat HARGA
(HET) Rp.
21270071 *- Tempat Wmun Otomatis AGRIN Super 1 AtHomatic Drinker Agrin Super set  Rp. 93.625
21272502 •- Tempat Minum 2 Galon set  Rp. 24.200
21272501 v Tempat Minum 1 Gallon ——— > 3,8 liter set  Rp. 19.000
22181821 •- Nipple Drinker Roaster ex, VAL VR 150 PCS  Rp. 36.000
22181861 •-Nippte Drinker Layer ex. VALVL 150 PCS  Rp. 37.000
22181891 •- Nipple Poultry 10022-T (180D) ex. Impex pcs  Rp. 6.900
22181901 • Nipple Poultry 10013 (3800) ex. Impex pcs  Rp. 5.800
22181911 – Nipple Poultry 10012 (360D) ex. Impex PCS  Rp. 10.400
22181881 – Nipple Poultry High Flow – 10024-MP (360D) ex. Impex pcs  Rp. 11.300
22182661 . Nipple Stainless Steel push-in 10011-T + washer (180O) ex. impex PCS  Rp. 7.250
22182681 – Nipple Stainless Steel push-in 10016-T + washer (360D) ex. Impex pcs  Rp. 16.500
22182161 – Push-In ST. Steel Nippte with Gasket -4003 ex. Corti pcs  Rp. 7.000
22182671 •-St Steel/Plastic Nippte Drinker -4005R ex. Corti PCS  Rp. 5.700
22180101 pcs  Rp. 9.500
22184791 – ST Steel Nipple 360DTG-4002H ex. Corti pcs  Rp. 11.500.000
21170111   _j *- Baby Chick Feeder Agrin Super (Merah Kuning) / Tempat pakan DOC (BCF) AGRJN Super set  Rp. 20.000
21170121 •- Baby Chick Feeder Agrin Super (Orange) /Tempat pakan DOC (BCF) AGRIN Super set  Rp. 20.000
21170101 – Baby Chicfc Feeder Agrin A1 (Merah Kuning) / Tempat pakan DOC (BCF) AGRiN A1 set  Rp. 16.200
21272611 •-Tempat Pakan Baki Kuning -(CFT) AGRIN set  Rp. 10.000
21272621 *- Tempat Pakan Baki Merah – (CFT) AGRIN set  Rp. 10.000.000
21272492 •-Tempat Pakan 10 kg AGRIN Super set  Rp. 40.000
21272453 – Tempat pakan 10 kg AGRIN A1 set  Rp. 36.500
21272491 -Tempat pakan 7 kg AGRIN Super set  Rp. 35.000
21272462 – Tempat pakan 7 kg AGRIN A1 set  Rp. 30.000
21272462 •- Tempat pakan 6 kg AGRIN SUPER set  Rp. 32.500
21272461 – Tempat pakan 6 kg AGRIN A1 set  Rp. 27.500
21180301 •-Clip Red pcs  Rp. 2.000
21171601 – Nylon Cort Automatic Drinker (@3mtr ex. Corti) pcs  Rp. 15.900
21171471 •- Mechanism Cap Automatic Drinker pcs  Rp. 8.000
21171511 -Mechanism pipe pcs  Rp. 15.900.000
21171661 •- Cfting Besar pcs  Rp. 3.300
21171661 •- 0*ring Kecil Automatic Drinker pcs  Rp. 3.000
21171181 – Filter element Automatic Drinker pcs  Rp. 2.900
21173011 •- Water tevd adjuster* lock nut pcs  Rp. 6.500
22182691 -Stainless steel spring pcs  Rp. 10.000
21172961 pcs  Rp. 22.400
21172941 *- Union 1/4 Automatic Drinker pcs  Rp. 6.000
21170201 – BotOe Hanger PCS  Rp. 4.600
21170131 – Ballast Bottle pcs  Rp. 20.000
21170151 •-Bell drinker pcs  Rp. 37.000
22170391 – Bronze Spring for Valve Assembly Automatic Drinker pcs  Rp. 2.700
21181981 – Saddle Conector pcs  Rp. 22.500
21271491 – Mechanism complete Automatic Drinker -» (+Saddle Connector & Tubing @3mtr) pcs  Rp. 56.000
21171501 •-Mechanisnonly pcs  Rp. 33.500
21172981 *» Washer * Plunger pcs  Rp. 4.800
21172982 •-Washer for Automatic Drinker (Tanpa Plunger) pcs  Rp. 1.500
21170331 – Cord Ad juster pcs  Rp. 2.100
21172771 •- Tubing Automatic Drinker e 3 meter mtr  Rp. 12.000
21172791 -Tubing Automatic Drinker @ 100 meter roll  Rp. 386.000

3. Tabel C

No Nama Produk Kemasan Harga
1 Borax Test Kit (+/-) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.722.500,-
Merk : Inagenpro
2 Borax Test Kit (+/-) 1 Box isi 175 Test Rp. 3.630.000,-
Merk : Inagenpro
3 Borax Test Kit (+/-) 1 Box isi 350 Test Rp. 6.352.500,-
Merk : Inagenpro
4 Borax Test Kit (0-12000 mg/I) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.813.250,-
Merk : Inagenpro
5 Borax Test Kit (0-12000 mg/I) 1 Box isi 175 Test Rp. 3.811.500,-
Merk : Inagenpro
6 Borax Test Kit (0-12000 mg/I) 1 Box isi 350 Test Rp. 6.352.500,-
Merk : Inagenpro
7 Pork detection kit tipe PDK-X 101/10 (Eropa) 1 Box isi 10 Test Rp. 2.000.000,-
8 Pork detection kit tipe PDK-X 101/20 (Eropa) 1 Box isi 20 Test Rp. 3.600.000,-
9 Pork detection kit tipe PDK-X 101/100 (Eropa) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 16.400.000,-
10 Methanly Yellow Test Kit (+/-) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.156.000,-
Merk : Inagenpro
11 Methanly Yellow Test Kit (0-60 mg/i) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.695.000,-
Merk : Inagenpro
12 Rhodamin B Test Kit (+/-) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.387.000,-
13 Rhodamin B Test Kit (+/-) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.464.000,-
14 Formadldehyede Test Kit (0-1.5 mg/i) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 6.391.000,-
15 Formadldehyede Test Kit (0-2 mg/i) 1 Box isi 100 Test Rp. 2.387.000,-

4. Tabel D : Alat Peternakan Ayam

1 PS Mark (01) Poultry  Rp. 59.000
2 PS Mark (02) Poultry  Rp. 54.000
4 Talang Minum PVC 4 Mtr Inti Mustika  Rp. 53.000
5 Talang minum PVC 4 mtr Indomat  Rp. 64.700
6 Nipple 360₺ IM  Rp. 7.250
7 Nipple 180″ IM  Rp. 4.700
8  Rp-
9 Nipple Babi  Rp. 47.100
10 Drip Cup untuk Nipple pipa 3/4 (01)  Rp. 4.450
Drip Cup Niple pipa 1/2 (01)  Rp. 4.200
11 Drip Cup untuk Nipple (02)  Rp. 2.000
12 Saddle Nipple pipa 1/2  Rp. 1.250
Sadle Niple pipa 3/4  Rp. 1.350
13 Tempat minum 2 Gallon  Rp. 18.700
14 Tempat minum 1 Gallon  Rp. 12.250
15 Tempat makan 10 kg (01) standart  Rp. 24.500
16 Tempat makan 10 Kg (01) Poultry  Rp. 27.500
17 Tempat makan 7 Kg (02)  Rp. 22.250
18 Tempat makan 5 Kg (01)  Rp. 19.500
19 Tempat makan 5 Kg (02)  Rp. 18.500
20 Chick feeder Tray  Rp. 8.500
baby Chick Feeder  Rp. 11.500
21 Talang makan PVC 4 m Inti Mustika  Rp. 85.300
22 Talang makan PVC 4 m Indomat  Rp. 112.000
23 Fan 24″  Rp. 1.900.000
24 Fan 50″ ( 6 Blabe + motor + fan shutter )  Rp. 5.350.000
25 Fan 30″  Rp. 835.000
26 Fan 36″ Tanpa Dinamo  Rp. 2.180.000
27 Themtron 304  Rp. 2.700.000
28 Cell Deck ( 180 x 60 x15 )  Rp. 525.000
29 Cell deck ( 150 x 60 x15 )  Rp. 500.000
30 Pemanas gasolec Ex Belanda  Rp-
31 Pemanas VDL Ex Belanda  Rp-
32 Regulatot Nova Tabung Besar 50 kg  Rp-
33 Regulator Nova tabung kecil 3/12 kg  Rp-
34 Hand Winch 1200 Lbs  Rp. 278.000
35 Hand Winch 2500 Lbs  Rp. 423.000
36 Automatic Tirai
37 Heater Super Saver (pemanas Ayam kapasitas 10,000 ekor)  Rp. 9.700.000
38 Keranjang Ayam Besar uk. ( 96x57x27) cm  Rp. 280.000
39 Keranjang Ayam Kecil uk. (78x57x27) cm  Rp. 230.000
40 Big Egg Tray (01)  Rp. 7.200
41 Grill besar  Rp. 5.050
42 Small Egg Tray  Rp. 5.800
43 Lyon Debeaker Ex America  Rp. 4.700.000
44 Pisau KH  Rp. 60.000
45 Pisau BC  Rp. 68.200
46 Kandang bateray telp dulu
47 Terpal A3 berat 25 kg  Rp. 750.000
48 Terpal A5 berat 32 kg  Rp. 1.000.000
50 Terpal A8 berat 35 kg  Rp. 1.125.000
51 Terpal A8 Putih/Hitam  Rp. 1.300.000
52 Saddle Conector Putih  Rp. 11.200
Sadle conector hitam  Rp. 9.500
53 Botlle Hanger  Rp. 3.350
54 Mechanism Only Putih  Rp. 16.700
Mechanism Only Hitam  Rp. 15.000
55 Tubing 3 mtr  Rp. 13.300
56 Bell (01)  Rp. 21.700
58 Mechanism cap  Rp. 2.800
59 Mechanism Pipe  Rp. 10.000
60 Union 1/4 + Screw  Rp. 1.900
61 Valve assembly Complete  Rp. 7.500
62 Ceramik  Rp. 200.000
63 Frame List  Rp. 22.300
64 Thermocouple  Rp. 77.800
65 Dust Filter  Rp. 80.000
66 Interior Coil  Rp. 101.200
67 Safety Divice Only  Rp. 219.000
68 Safety Divice set  Rp. 317.000
69 Mesin cabut bulu ayam  Rp. 3.150.000
70 Karet Mesin Cabut Bulu Ayam  Rp. 5.000
71 Canopy Pemanas  Rp. 112.000
Kompor LPG  Rp. 105.600
72 Tong 10 Kg (01)  Rp. 15.550
73 Piring 10 Kg (01)  Rp. 16.200
74 Tong 10 Kg (02)  Rp. 15.300
75 Piring 10 Kg (02)  Rp. 17.500
76 Tong 7 Kg (02)  Rp. 12.250
77 Piring 7 Kg (02)  Rp. 12.800
78 Tong 5 Kg (01)  Rp. 10.000
79 Piring 5 Kg (01)  Rp. 13.400
80 Tong 5 Kg (02)  Rp. 10.600
81 Piring 5 Kg (02)  Rp. 10.000
82 Tong 1 Gallon  Rp. 10.600
83 Piring 1 Gallon  Rp. 5.000
84 Tong 2 Gallon  Rp. 15.600
85 Piring 2 Gallon  Rp. 7.250